Vision, Mission and Values


Harnessing the power of people helping people to heal, change and enrich lives in nine First Nation communities.


Strong Anishinaabe people, families and communities, now and for the next seven generations.



Respect all life on Mother Earth. Respect Elders and people of all races. Honour all of Creation. Never hurt or humiliate others with unkind words. The essence of respect is to give and share.


Love is the essence of life.  Always act in love.  Love the Creator.  Love Mother Earth.  Love yourself, your family, and your fellow human beings. Find compassion and understanding for yourself and others. Aspire to live in truth and harmony.


Listen to your heart. It takes courage to do what is right. Never be afraid to stand up for what you believe in. Take risks and learn new things, even when it means leaving the safe and familiar.


Live and speak from the heart. Never lie, steal or gossip. Be honest with yourself and others. Be true to your word and walk with honour.


Everyone has been given a special gift. Use that gift to build a peaceful world. Seek to learn all you can and take the time to reflect upon our teachings.


All are equal in the eyes of the Creator and in the human family. Think of others before yourself.  Ask others for their thoughts and guidance and acknowledge your limitations. Humble yourself to the Creator by being thankful.


Always seek Truth.  Be accountable for all you say and do. Believe in yourself. Live the Truth by living all these teachings – Respect, Love, Courage, Honesty, Wisdom and Humility – and bring them to the world.